Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Great Pomp

With great pomp
High on their horses of sin
Arrayed in splendors
Of the world- they enter in

Eyes that squint
Ears full of their own wisdom
cannot see hands reaching out
cannot hear the pleas of the kids
     they've locked away
Their hearts beat for money
doesn't break for the ache
     their policies cause

No tears to waste
Not worth the gold

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Everyday Joy

Every day there is joy
Sitting on my lap
Snuggling into my breasts
Asking for pushes on swings
Car keys
Gas money
College tuition
Holding the hand of Superman
Walking to grandma’s
Playing games together
Sitting side by side
Each absorbed in our own devices
just to be near
To be with family

Is a joy

Monday, July 01, 2019

Stories for our Grandkids?

I helped load a moving truck on Thursday. We thought it was hot enough then. Today we helped unload a completely different moving truck- but today it was sweltering. Part of this moving things around was setting up a king size bed in a garage. And I was joking about the stories my kids could tell their grandkids about the day it was sooo hot, that we had to set up a bed in the garage.

But then I realized that that story would pale without our kids and grandkids will experience. Maybe the garage will melt? Or get covered by feet of hail?

News of the day "Alice and Wonderland on Steroids."