Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Being OK

 Ok is not that everything is right

its learning to breathe through it

to notice the little magical things

    dancing fireflies, butterflies

the reflections of light across the bed 

or hear the birdsong

enjoy the warmth of a hug

or a particularly good bit of jello

maybe your toothpaste made a perfect Q

or your kid's goofy smile

It's putting one foot in front of the other

and continuing our journey

because the only destination we are sure of

is death someday

and that is ok

that is ok

Come face 2025 with me

 Come and face 2025 with me

although we do not know what we will see

together, as this play unfolds

we will be hand in hand to behold

the wonderous, the beauty

the majesty of the roll-up scene

scary parts there will be too

and sadness that will rip your heart right through

but without the sadness, we can not see the full splendor of this majesty

how full healing is not a restoration of the pre-harmed state

but incorporates the lessons of the pain to create

stronger  and more whole individual

how sadness can become the rebar in our concrete resolve

the concrete that will help us face whatever the future may bring

so come face 2025 with me

and we will watch

and we will see

Friday, December 27, 2024


 Trump will be forced to employ single-payer health care in the US, unfortunately, it will come too late to save 30% of our people.

Friday, November 29, 2024

 I broke down and cried during Thanksgiving prayer. I had to tag my husband to finish it.

It has been such a rough year a tough year, a year of joy and sorrow and stress and pain.

There is so much to be grateful for in the midst of all the suffering.

So much to rip me apart over and over

and the gentle hands that put  me back together, over and over,

Somedays, I only had hope

only through that hope could I not go completely crazy

other days I knew with complete certainty that it was awesome

the plan was amazing

and now we face global challenges in the face

but will I run?

never- I will stand facing it, with gentle eyes

woven from pain into compassion

turning conviction into action

unafraid of what winds may blow

for my feet are nailed to the bedrock

the rock of Christ

Thursday, October 31, 2024

To those I love

 I wish you a rough time

to polish your shine

I wish you a hard time

to soften you

I wish you challenges

to strength you

I wish you gut-wrenching agony

whatever it takes

to turn you toward God

to seek the balm of Giliad

to let Him wrap your wounds in His holy hands

And I will cheer you

stand by you

encourage you

as my personal trainer has done to me

through sweat and tears

through toil and sorrow

we gain the strength

to serve

to shine

to actually become ourselves, the ourselves we are capable of becoming

but only if someone is there to bind our wounds

massage those poor muscles

and if only we seek Him

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


"Our so-called leaders still think they can bargain with physics & negotiate with nature. They speak to flowers in the language of economics. They hold up their income reports to impress the wild animals. They read stock-market analysis to the ocean, like fools." –

Monday, January 22, 2024

Doomsday/The End of the World

 Sometimes, I want them to get on with it, already

how can we live in a world as broken as this one?

Sometimes, I wish this perfect moment would pause

as we sit in the joy life has brought

Sometimes, I recognize the inevitable march of time

the progression towards conclusion

One foretold by prophets

predicted by scientists

but like birth, we do not know when

only that it is getting close

and like birth, we approach it with some fear and trembling

but in the end, we have a new world to hold