Saturday, February 21, 2009

Man's duel roles

A lot has been said about women being cast in duel roles of prostitute and angel- but much less has been said about man's duel roles of dufus and wise father. Our recent media has been filled with men playing the dufus- Men like Homer Simpson and Tim (the tool man) Taylor. These men are always making a mess of things and their wife is always right. In fact, there has been so many father as dufus characters that sometimes we forget the other role.

Fathers can be wise men. In the TV shows of the 1960s and 70s it was the Father who knew best and the Father who always gave wise words of council at the end.

My suggestion today is that we don't look at our men as being either one, but look at them simultaneously in both lights. That they can be both wise and pig headed, funny and serious, and hardworking and a goof off. That the dufus is the wise man in a different light.

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