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So, after my children got their shots, I sent them back to school for the first time in 10 years. It turns out I was sent back to school in the middle of the biggest wave of covid we'd ever seen. So only after a few weeks for some of the kids and 1 day for the last kid to go back- they are homesick, and so are the rest of us.
Covid feels like a bad cold. Sore throat, sinus headaches, pressure headaches, slightly hard to hear, very hard to think. (Brain fog? No perhaps more like brain pea soup). Some fevers, some coughing, lots of nose-blowing, some sneezing. And it lasts a while. Most colds last just a few days for us healthy people. It's not enough to lay you out on your back, but it's enough to make you wish it was.
Our 5-year-old was the first to come down with it. He complained of a sore throat, but keep eating (so we didn't believe him), then he came with a fever. A few nights ago he was working harder to breathe, but today he is playing like he's normal. That means he was sick 7 days.
Our 8-year-old is still feeling well. When the 5 years came down with it, she took a nap and declared herself well and hasn't succumbed yet. We ask every morning before sending her off to school. She hasn't yet admitted to any symptoms and so avoids the testing (and subsequent quarantine).
*hehe the school nurse just called? Guess who was crying during class because she wasn't feeling well. She tested very faintly for covid. We almost thought she might get away without catching it.
Our 10-year-old sniffed a little on day 6, he was ready to go to school, but I tested him and he was positive. So far he blowing his nose a lot and feeling bored. He made 1 day of school before being quarantined.
Our 13-year-old was supposed to give a talk at church on Sunday (day 4) but woke up without a voice. Yesterday she barely crawled out of bed. Today she is doing better. She made it a whole week in school before she got quarentined.
Next up is our 16 year old. He hasn't tested because he has no logical reason too, but has been feeling out of since day 5.
Our 19 year old served at church on Sunday (he was the only one to make it). But by Monday he called in sick to school. He says he has no need to test because he knows its covid. He hasn't complained much, but has slept a lot.
Our 21 year old is away at college and will not be coming home for my birthday as he wants to avoid this plague.
Our 23 year old was snuggled in a blanket Monday and couldn't do his schoolwork. Yesterday he could force himself to focus on it. Which is good, there is a test this week.
Me: Well, I tested Saturday with a fat positive with the baby. my head is where most of the action is at, although I have felt some in my upper chest. My GI tract hasn't been thrilled either. I want to sleep, but kids and work don't seem to care.
My Hubby: Stayed home Sunday. He has had headaches and some bodyaches.
So there you go- Covid for us so far (in case some future historian/medical researcher cares)