Sick and Tired?
Then Tired yet Boared?
What to do when you are stuck in a Covid quarantine, with no energy.
1. Sleep- I know if you are reading this then you are all slept out (at least for the next 5 minutes)
2. Read- novels are good, some nice fantasy, obviously you are not up to anything that takes real brain power, so don't pre-read your next semester's texts- just enjoy something fun
3. Watch something funny- the old saying laughter is the best medicine- some nice 1980s comedies might be right match for your brain power right now- maybe something with Leslie Neilson?
4. For the two minutes every hour you can handle standing- wash a dish or change a laundry might be nice. I've been trying to clean little messes. I got under 1 chair with a rag, and maybe tomorrow I'll get that pile of dirt and debris at the top of stairs (that has been waiting on me much longer than I've had covid).
5. Movie Marathon: like these quarantine days are great for nice long movie marathons, especially thing you can sleep through and not care about- every Lord of the Rings, every Star Trek, whatever floats your boat.
6. Write a string of really bad blogs, nobody will care anyways, except google, then they can pop up in somebody's search results and look promising until they realise it was nothing more then a direct phrase match.