Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A pox on all my children

It's official, My son, although immunized, has the chicken pox. It turns out that they discovered a booster is needed to keep the immunization working. And that means one more shot, probably full of heavy metal preservatives for my autistic children..... yeah. I think I will just let the virus take it's course and hope that Clay, Ian and Ewan can all be talked into catching it.

My baby is at risk of catching it too....after birth. Until them my previous chicken pox should keep us both safe.

And Speaking of babies. Want to see what her crib will look like? I finally finished her bumper. It turned out rather pretty.

Then here is a picture of my boys "living" in the living room. Sometimes it seems like a vestibular stimulation room then a place to watch tv.

And here is pox boy posing for a fish hat picture. All the pictures I took of him in the hat were blurry. I wonder if it is because he can't be still or if it is because I couldn't hold the camera still.

The fish hats are now for sale at

In case you do not know, My brother walked into our attempt at manufacturing clothing and asked them to sew one up for him. He has more designs in his head, and the results are funny and warm. This one is called "The optimistic fish".

I guess sometimes the fish catches you. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pink bedding. You've done a lovely job on it and the detail is simple but elegant. Very nice.

Yeah....Ryan's a cheese. Glad someone has a strange sense of humor and keeps us smiling.

Hope the pox doesn't travel beyond your house and those born. We haven't had any immunizations for it but if we get it so be it. I had it. It sucked but it was over in 2 weeks and never had it since. Immunizations certainly aren't perfect, as you well know.

Enjoy your time as the days grow warmer and longer and brighter. June is just a hop away.