Saturday, October 29, 2005

Serious Thoughts

There are a lot of bloggers out there that actually have serious thoughts. I find that when ever I have a serious thought it usually flees my mind before I can share it.

Maby the fleeing thoughts are not to be shared. Maby they are to be held in the still of our mind until such a time that they coless into an infinetly whole understanding. I am assuming however that the colessing process takes several millenia or so. Or probably actually exists in a sphere where time has a different meaning then it does here.


George Breed said...

Now THERE is a serious thought!
A BUNCH of serious thoughts!

Round Belly, you be cool.


Red Bark said...

Hello Round Belly,

Letting thoughts develop over time is the best way to think. Many of the thoughts that I express on blogs have been a long time coming into being and I am grateful to have this format to help me finally solidfy them.

But more important than thoughts is kindness. If you can say something nice then it will always be appreciated.

Thanks for revealing yourself.