Wednesday, May 31, 2006

God Must Love me

Yesterday was such an increadable, beautiful day! Perfect temps from 72-80, bright sun, few bugs. We just had to spend the day outside. Mike worked on building his desk, I mowed lawn. Then we had a camp fire and roasted hot dogs (and brats) on a stick and then smores, and then just laid on the grass and enjoyed the amazing day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

one I will miss

A wonderful friend from the cities emailed me tonight and asked if the move went "smooth".

This is how I replied to her

hi Lori,

We survived our move. Almost. It is hard to know at what point the move is over. We are still tripping over boxes in every room. The change was a challenge with Galen and we hope to someday soon establish a routine that can help get him calmed down again.
Our land is wonderful. There are crickets chirping and frogs chirping all night. There are also wood ticks. We live far enough from town to try to limit the amount of trips in. And all the people are small town folks who knew who we are at a glance- because they know the rest of the family. Everybody has time for a chat and a laugh and heavy traffic is when people are actually waiting at the one stop light.

I miss the ward, and all the wonderful smiling faces. As ward members we never had time to get to know each other well- but knowing you would be some place always made the event worth going to.
Have a wonderful day!Raya

Thursday, May 18, 2006

If I Never move again

It will be too soon!

If you ever want to feel overwhelmed, stressed out- try moving.

Then just as you are almost gathering some sort of semblance of life again, your printer refuses to work (must have got bumped in the move) and you have 15 orders to ship tomorrow before you leave to go back to your old house to some more work on it.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

You know you trust your dog when your baby and doggy role together on the floor. Clay can literally climb all over him and the dog's reaction is to lick his face. And Sam is constantly trying to figure out why when the baby fussles that I pick him up, but when he fussles I kick him outside. Sam also seems to be a self proclaimed foot stool, always pushing under my feet.

Its a dog life. No respect, no responsibility. That may change when we live in the woods.

hot diggity dog

You know you trust your dog when your baby and doggy role together on the floor. Clay can literally climb all over him and the dog's reaction is to lick his face. And Sam is constantly trying to figure out why when the baby fussles that I pick him up, but when he fussles I kick him outside. Sam also seems to be a self proclaimed foot stool, always pushing under my feet.

Its a dog life. No respect, no responsibility. That may change when we live in the woods. I think I will train him to find the kids, herd the chickens and keep bears from getting to close for comfort. Too bad I cant train him to keep woodticks off himself. :)

anyways- have a good day!

Monday, May 01, 2006

small motor skills

Galen has done a lot of drawing lately. And he has an increbable eye. I know what he is drawing and couldn't even do as good of a job as he does on most of the things any more. (which is saying something for a clothing designer who does her own graphic design work).

Which is one reason that it blew my mind earlier this year when the school placed him with an occupational therapist to work on his small motor skills. In retrospect his small motor skills were not being worked in a normal class room setting because the para would do all his small motor skills work for him (writing). And he wasn't doing anything else to sharpen those skills.

However, being at home has allowed him lots of opportunity to draw, write, play computer games (which is also very good for his eye muscles and his hand/eye coordination) and play legos nonstop. Do you know how many playing things are exactly what he needs to work on?

It has been speculated by some that children are great at self-therapy, meaning they have a tendency to do the kinds of things they need to to stay healthy and grow well. I am largely of that school of thought too. My children have taught me to trust them and Mother Nature.