Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Knees

A simple keys to happier knees
it to wear long johns
when its below 40 degrees

 . . .

weak women often have weak mothers
but I have yet to me a weak woman

Womanhood is bestowed by strength-
that comes only from
smashed drams
empty bottles of hope
labors and tears
pains and joys

of taking a deep breath
and continuing to put one
foot in front of the other

 . . .
Where did Grandma get the guts
in an age when women were supposed to be quiet
to protect the domestically abused from their husband's riots?

Where did Grandma get the guts
when she was supposed to be sweeping the floor
to go to school evenings and night
so they'd no longer be poor?

Where did Grandma get the guts
 to raise her kids with compassion
when the role models abounded of the toxic masculine?

Where did Grandma get the guts
to kiss a total stranger
then she later married him
Where did Grandma get the guts to defy the female conventions?

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