Sunday, January 30, 2005

5 pounds

in one day my family gobbled down somthing over 5 pounds of fruit. For lunch (yesterday)I bought a 3 lb bag of oranges. There is now 1 left. Then for dinner I bought a 3 lb bag of apples. There are 3 left. Add in a few bananas and a can of peaches, and no lack of applesauce, and you can see that my family eats more than the average family for fruit consumption on a daily basis. I am sure that if my budget could handle it, they would gobble down about 5 pounds of fruit every day. And if you count veggies you can add in the tomato, letus and carrots. Veggies do not get consummed quite as fast per pound as fruit does, but it does add up to a lot of produce :)

Then of course, they also gobbled down a double batch of whole wheat biscuits, one loaf of fresh bread, a loaf of french bread, and a dozen rolls, one dozen eggs, 1 pound of lunch meat, 1/2 pound of cheeze and a whole chicken, adn a pizza. All in 24 hours. And this does not count the peanut butter and other things I don't watch as closely. . . Mike better get a good job.

As for Squiggly, she's trying to move up my backbone. My ribs have expanded so the waist band of things have started leaving thier marks, and then she put her self in position to push against my stomach. Then her movements have started to come from underneith instead of on the surface. Most of her ability to go where she wants to is because Galen did such a great job stretching my uterus and making more womb for his other siblings. In fact there was so much room for Ewan that at his 20 week ultrasound, he was laid out with his elbows behind his head and his feet stretched out and crosses, it looked like he was laying in a hamock.

Well That All I have to say right now :)

Have a good day

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